Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Where you can win $100 and signed books!

I'm so excited for the release of Getting Played tomorrow!!! I'll be honest and tell you this book was super hard to write. I wrote Getting Dirty in six days in January. This one took me over a month, which is long for me. There were a few reasons for this. First, I struggled a little with the fact that Getting Played has an entirely different feel than Getting Dirty. I know some people have issues with insta-attraction in books, but in my reality, that's how it often happens. I picked my now husband out of a crowd in a fraternity basement at a party when we were in college. There were sparks before the first word was spoken. That's Caiden and Blaire's relationship--sparks that burst into an inferno. Marcus and Addie are a different story. Their's is more of a slow burn, mostly because Marcus understands how wrong it is for a 23 year old guy to be attracted to a 17 year old girl and spends the first half of the book in denial. I wasn't sure how my Getting Dirty readers would respond to the shift in gears, so I kept trying to massage the story and force my characters in a direction they weren't willing to go. This never works. Readers can tell in the first few pages if a story isn't authentic. You all know the ones. You read a few pages and say to yourself, I don't buy it, before putting it down and never picking it back up. So...I'm putting Addie and Marcus out there for you to judge just as they are. I hope you feel them as much as Blaire and Caiden.

The good news is, Getting Played is a standalone, so you don't have to read Getting Dirty first. However, if you want to meet Marcus and experience his sister's rocky road first, you can Get Dirty for cheap this week. Getting Dirty will be on sale through the end of the week for only 99 cents for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and iBooks.

There are a few places you can win signed copies of Getting Played through TODAY ONLY! You can read the first chapter on Angie and Jessica's Dreamy Reads and enter to win a signed paperback, or you can enter on Goodreads through midnight tonight for a chance at one of two signed copies.

And if you want a shot at a $100 gift certificate of your choice and SIGNED paperback copies of MANWHORE by Katy Evans and GETTING DIRTY by moi, you can enter below! Good luck and happy reading!

Friday, March 20, 2015


Thank you sooo much to every reader and blogger who has either purchased, read, or reviewed GETTING DIRTY, and also to everyone who participated in the cover reveal a few weeks back, the release day blitz yesterday, and/or the blog tour currently underway. You are all AMAZEBALLS! Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read and let me know what you think!

If you think you might ever want a copy, now's the time, because to celebrate the beginning of the series, it's on special for only 99 cents for the next ten days. You can get it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Google Play, or Kobo. Same low price no matter where you decide to pick it up. =)

And, a few more things...

Many bloggers included my open letter to readers as to why I wrote GETTING DIRTY. That can be found here.

Also, we released an excerpt, so I might as well include that here...

Without realizing I’m doing it, I find I’m leaning toward her. I catch myself and stop. But before I can pull back, she closes the rest of the distance and presses her lips hard against mine.
Any thought that I shouldn’t be doing this evaporates like fog in a stiff breeze at the taste of her mouth, moving hungrily on mine. She’s scotch and fire on my tongue as she devours me. Right or wrong, I’m powerless to stop her.
Her fingers run down my face to my chest as she opens her mouth wider, inviting me deeper inside. I take the invitation, tasting as much of her as she’ll give me. Her hands tug at the hem of my shirt and my breath catches when cold fingers meet my warm abs.
I press harder against her, drawing her closer, and fire rips through my veins as our tongues and hands explore the new landscapes of each other’s mouths and bodies.
But a shard of coherent thought finally manages to pierce the bubble I’ve constructed to justify what I’m doing. “You’re a student,” I say against her mouth.
Her lips skim to my ear. “I like you, Caiden,” she whispers, and her saying my name with that hot breath, that wet mouth, is nearly enough to break my resolve. “I like you a lot.”
I take her by the shoulders and gently peel her away, my heart hammering out African drumbeats against my ribcage. “You’re so damn incredible, but I can’t do this. It’s totally against university rules. I’m sorry.”
“You’re not my professor,” she says, her expression wounded. “If we like each other, I don’t see why it should matter.”
“I’m Dr. Duncan’s graduate assistant. My boss is your professor. It’s a conflict of interest, since I do most of his grading.”
“So you are conflicted.” It’s clear from the predatory shift her expression takes that she hears that I’m trying to convince myself as much as her.
I drop my head against the headrest. “I am.”
She leans closer again, her breast pressing against my arm through the thin cotton of her top. “I’ll never say anything. No one needs to know,” she whispers, her breath feathering over my neck.

And, oh yeah! The giveaway! Here's where you can enter to win a $100 gift certificate of your choice, plus signed copies of MANWHORE by Katy Evans (releasing TUESDAY and OMGGGGG!!!), TEN TINY BREATHS by KA Tucker, A LITTLE TOO FAR by Lisa Desrochers, and RULE by Jay Crownover! All awesome books that are signed by their equally awesome authors!

Good luck and happy reading!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


The release of GETTING DIRTY is almost here! I can't tell you how excited I am for you to be able to read Blaire and Caiden's story. I've had several bloggers and readers contact me asking about the content of GETTING DIRTY and how the underage relationship was handled, so I thought I'd give you some background.

As you can easily see from the book description, this is a story about a under age girl hooking up with a older man. I know there may be some of you who are a bit squeamish about this topic. It is illegal, I am aware of that. But there is a reason I wanted to write this book that has nothing to do with sensationalism or shock value.

This book is a fictionalized autobiography.

Just a month before I turned seventeen, I met a man who was twenty-four. Our connection was instant. For months we kept it platonic, even though neither of us could deny the attraction. We never had the actual discussion, but we both knew our relationship would be viewed by others (including my parents and the law) as inappropriate. But, despite our best efforts, we fell in love and started dating when I was seventeen. I've always wanted to write a love story that reflected everything I was feeling at that age, in that situation. So here it is.

For you hesitant readers, I can tell you that this illegal affair is not glamorized or sensationalized. There are severe consequences for the actions my characters choose to take. I wanted the topic handled honestly and realistically. I know this story isn't for everyone, but if you choose to read, I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

To pique your interest...

There is heat in GETTING DIRTY. Lots of heat. Here is a look at one of my favorite scenes...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A taste of things to come...

GETTING DIRTY releases on March 19th. That's coming, in just a two short weeks! Here's a short excerpt to give you a taste...

Check back for release day giveaways and more!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Getting Dirty cover reveal!

You guys!!! I get to show you the cover of my beloved baby today! I and SO F*CKING in love with this cover! Thanks to Sarah at Okay Creations for taking the image I chose and turning it into this:

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The fab KATY EVANS blurbed GETTING DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm am so freaking over the moon right now! The amazingly talented Katy Evans (the REAL series) took time out of her busy schedule to read my little book! Here is what she said:

"A thousand and one feels....Getting Dirty is a thrilling, tantalizing forbidden romance you do not want to miss! I not only devoured this book, it devoured me right back!"--Katy Evans, New York Times Bestselling author of REAL

I'm so excited for you to see what she's talking about. Only a few more weeks until March 19th!!